Chiropractic Care for Kids in Laguna Hills CA

Chiropractic Laguna Hills CA Pediatric Chiropractic

For many years, it was thought that chiropractic care was just for adults who had back pain issues. Today, we know that chiropractic care can benefit everyone in the family. Even children can attain greater levels of health and wellness through chiropractic treatment. At Laguna Joint & Spine Center, we have specially trained staff on-site providing pediatric chiropractic care. Keep reading to learn how our pediatric chiropractor in Laguna Hills CA can help your family.

Why Should Kids See a Chiropractor in Laguna Hills CA?

Chiropractic care is all about helping people attain optimum wellness. Kids are always so full of energy and life that we sometimes forget they can also be dealing with health issues. A child's health issues sometimes manifest very differently than an adult's. Children may not tell you they are not feeling their best unless they are very sick, but they may exhibit symptoms such as sleep disturbances, behavior problems, and issues with focus and concentration.

A pediatric chiropractor can help children attain optimum wellness so that these types of issues and others can be resolved. Let's look at a few of the great benefits your child could see through chiropractic care:

Improved Behavior

Children and teens are not getting enough sleep. Anything you can do to help your child establish better sleep patterns will quite literally benefit the entire family. When a child doesn't sleep, the whole family sometimes doesn't sleep. This can affect everyone's day at work and at school. Over time, sleep deprivation will also wear down your immune system and affect behavior as well. Chiropractic care can have a profound impact on sleep patterns. When the spine is misaligned, sleep disturbances are one of the main symptoms. Bringing that spine back into alignment will help your child improve sleep habits.

Improved Sleep Patterns

The first step in the chiropractic care process for a child is consultation. This consultation begins with a thorough examination with the goal of discovering and locating the source of the issue. With that information, a personalized plan will be created in order to treat the condition. A chiropractor is also capable of working with children that are not able to communicate pain or are too shy to do so. The method of treatment typically consists of gentle adjustments to the spine. It is common for children to fall asleep after a treatment as they are much more relaxed. Please call us at Laguna Joint & Spine Center in Laguna Hills CA if you have any questions about your children’s health.

To learn more about our services, contact our office at Laguna Joint & Spine Center, serving Laguna Hills CA. Our number is (949) 770-0128.


9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 2:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Laguna Joint & Spine Center

25301 Cabot Rd Suite #106
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

(949) 770-0128